




Evidencing Quality Effortlessly

Whatever your quality assurance needs in the care sector, MonitorIT.Online provides the simple solution you are looking for.

Quality Matters

Managing quality in the early year's environment can be a time consuming activity. 
Multiple quality assurance models and requirements often mean you find yourself repeating tasks and spending valuable time cross referencing activities.

MonitorIT.Online is designed to work with a diverse range of quality assurance models to deliver a simple to use quality assurance management solution. 
MonitorIT.Online comes pre-loaded with your choice of quality assurance models. The benefit of that is that cross referencing quality standards is simple and seemless. This allows you to evaluate your quality assurance activities across a number of models at the touch of a button.

key Applications

available in MonitorIT.Online

Development App

Be able to create development plans to encompass all of your organisations development activities. These development plans can then be linked to action plans to deliver change within your organisation.

Monitoring App

Create individual monitor points for each evidence area you have. You can then record monitoring outcomes and create simple action plans to address any areas of non compliance.

Continuing Professional Development App

Allow your staff to record their CPD activities along with formal training to ensure

Incidents, Complaints, Concerns App

Record and monitor Incidents, complaints and concerns.

XplainIT Ltd, Glenview, By Monymusk, Aberdeenshire, AB51 7SQ
01467 651833
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